The 2020 Global Benchmark is now complete!
All the submissions have been received and evaluated and results have been distributed to participants.
The top scorers, and in particular those organisations that innovated in the field of LGBTI workplace inclusion will be announced very soon!
The Global Benchmark has been providing organisations with invaluable insights into workplace inclusion for LGBTI workforces around the globe going on for 7 years now.
The gathered knowledge from the many participating organisations over the years has allowed us to truly define the ‘best in class’ when it comes to this topic. However, to make this, sometimes a complex topic, easier for all to digest, we have created the practical document below.
The eight sections in the benchmark focus on key areas and metrics, indicating clearly how far an organisation may have come with its inclusion policies, and indeed where it may need to take them in order to improve or innovate going forward into the new decade.
With this document in hand, D&I managers, LGBTI network leads and anyone who believes in more LGBTI inclusion in the workplace can give a clear and resounding response to the question: “What does ‘good’ look like for LGBTI inclusion in the workplace?”.